National Seminar on Cyber Crime: Issues and Challenges-2020

National Seminar on Cyber Crime: Issues and Challenges organized by Department of Human Rights & I.H. Laws, Saurashtra University, Rajkot



Due to the increasing incidents of Cyber Crime like, online banking fraud; hacking of information from government departments, corporate sectors and private companies; hacking of accounts from multinational companies; circulation of fake news through the internet; cyber defamation; the impact of social media on the society and specifically on the youth; challenges of addiction of smartphone; the Departments of Law and Department of Human Rights of Saurashtra University had organised a one day national seminar to make people and students aware how to get control over these increasing cases of Cyber Crime and prevent themselves to be a victim of such cases.

This national seminar was conducted on 15 February, 2020(Saturday) by the Department of Human Rights in NFDD hall of Saurashtra University Rajkot. The subject of this seminar was Cyber Crime: Issues and Challenges. This national seminar was conducted under the chairmanship of Dr. Nitinbhai Pethani, Vice Chancellor of Saurashtra University Rajkot. The seminar was inaugurated by Dr. Vijaybhai Desani Pro Vice Chancellor of Saurashtra University Rajkot. This seminar observed the gracious presence of Dr. Mehulbhai Rupani and Dr. Nehalbhai Shukla, syndicate members of Saurashtra University, as Chief Guests. Moreover this seminar was attended by other syndicate members of Saurashtra University such as Dr. Bharatbhai Ramanuj, Dr. Vimalbhai Parmar and the heads of other departments. This seminar was attended by principals, teachers and students of various law colleges of Saurashtra and Gujarat and law experts from the other states of the country. In this national seminar more than 400 people were present. More than 60 research papers and more than 80 posters were presented in this seminar.


Dr. Chintan Pathak, Tech Lawyer  and cyber security consultant of Surat was the chief spokesperson of this seminar who made people aware of how Cyber Crime is done; what are the ways to prevent such crimes and how to prevent ourselves from becoming a victim of such crimes. J.S. Gadam A.C.P of Rajkot and other cyber experts also shared valuable information regarding such crimes.


Dr. Rajubhai Dave Head of Department of Human Rights; Dr. B.G.Maniar Head of Department of Law; Dr.Mayursinh Jadeja Dean of Faculty of Law; Dr.Viamlbhai Parmar Principal of Jamnagar Law college; Dr.Minalben Raval Principal of A.M.P. Law college Rajkot; teachers and students of Law faculty had made tremendous efforts to make this seminar successful.

Published by: Department of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Laws
